Although a home may be a person’s castle, it will not provide protection from legal action if it is the scene of a “slip and fall” mishap. The victims of such accidents may be entitled to monetary damages to cover the cost of their injuries, but they will also need the assistance of a Rhode island personal injury attorney or RI slip and fall lawyer to assure their fair treatment under the law.
The Risk of Falling in Rhode Island
Falls represent a leading cause of injury in this country, with nearly 1 million Americans requiring medical treatment after tumbling to the floor or ground. According to official statistics, one in five falls results in serious serious harm to the victim. Falls are in fact the leading cause of traumatic brain injury in the United States. Many of these accidents take place on private property.
A fall occurring at a private dwelling in Rhode Island can result from a wet or otherwise slippery floor, sidewalk or driveway. It may also stem from objects left on the ground, floor or stairway, or from defects in the property itself, including cracked pavement or torn carpeting. These and other conditions can result in litigation in providence Superior Court if they cause someone physical and mental pain.
Understanding Premises Liability in Rhode Island
A tort is a civil wrongdoing. Though not considered a criminal offense, the negligent party in a tort case may have to financially compensate the victim. Premises liability is an element of tort law that specifically deals with accidents and injuries occurring on a given piece of property, including private dwellings. A large number of premise liability cases are related to the simple act of slipping and falling.
In order to win a “slip and fall” case in RI, the victim must prove that the responsible party knew or should have known of a particular hazard and failed to take corrective action. Victims must also prove that their injuries resulted directly from known hazards and not from their own irresponsible actions.
The Need for Legal Representation in Providence Superior Court
A “slip and fall” mishap will not automatically result in the awarding of damages. There may be an attempt by the property owner to place at least some of the responsibility on the victim, which can greatly reduce the size of the award.
Proper legal representation by a Rhode Island slip and fall attorney or a perosnal injury lawyer in Rhode Island is needed to ensure the best possible outcome in a tort case. This is why the victims of “slip and fall” accidents should consider seeking the services of a Providence personal injury attorney. Information for this account was obtained from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at